Vendor FAQ

Q - When does the event start / end?
A - Paradise Collectibles Convention starts at 9:00am on May 4th and ends at 5:00pm on May 4th

Q - When are Vendors and Artists able to access the venue for setup?
A - Vendors and Artists will be given access to the venue for setup on May 3rd from 9:00am to 5:00pm

Q - How much is it to rent a booth at Paradise Collectibles Convention?
A - Vendor booth rentals can be found in the Vendor Application, Artist booth rentals can be found in the Artist Application. Applications are required for participation.

Q - Are there event insurance requirements for Paradise Collectibles Convention?
A - Event insurance is not generally required. Depending on the services or merchandise vendors provide, insurance may be required; such requirements will be communicated clearly. For questions or concerns regarding insurance requirements please contact Michael Alexander (805) 727-3141

Q - Are there any community guidelines or conduct policies for the Paradise Collectibles Convention?
A - Yes. All participants, including vendors will be required to abide by the CODE OF CONDUCT.

Q - I have other commitments, may vendors leave early?
A - Vendors must remain for the entire show and may only begin breaking down at 5:00pm. Contact on-site staff to answer questions regarding unexpected circumstances.


Webmaster paradisecollectiblesconvention@gmail.com | Organizer Michael Alexander (805) 727-3141 | Co-Organizer (Gaming and Cosplay) Nerdvana G&C Events nerdvanagcevents@gmail.com